Shamanic Healing and Energy Medicine
Life Changing Energy Healing and Life Coaching Sessions
with Susana Sorí
Successfully shifting and reconnecting you to your true core
HR Shaman
Resonance Repatterning
Shamanic Healing
Sacred Fire Ceremonies
Clearing Ceremonies
Home & Work Clearing
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A Warm Welcome to You!
"I welcome the opportunity to support you in
the continuing journey that opens up more possibilities for your growth
and greatness.
My interest lies in supporting others to embrace their innate ability
to focus on the flow of the moment, to be joyfully real, courageous and
truly present. I take delight in and have achieved great success with
supporting people’s positive change and transformation. My focus has
been to draw out the person, their abilities and courage, more often
than to simply treat a symptom or initial problem."
Susana Sori has a worldwide practice, offering profound transformational
support to clients via individual, couple and group
person, by phone and by proxy. She brings together her expertise in
Energy Medicine, Life Coaching, Management and Leadership Training. Her clients are from such various areas
as North, Central and South America, Canada, Europe and China.
More about Susana
To book an appointment with Susana:
Support for Healing and Transformation
If this will be your first session,
know that Susana's mission is to partner transformation with integrity
and love. Feel free to browse through this site and find answers to many
of your questions.
If you have already had sessions sessions
with Susana, you have experienced the benefits of increased insight,
depth of awareness and profound transformations. Browse this site at
your leisure.
Experience this healing method as
effectively practiced with the lightheartedness and shamanic
understanding that Susana brings.
The Resonance Repatterning ® System for Energy Healing and Transformation
Also known as Holographic Repatterning ®,
this is a very effective process towards positive change in any area of
our life where we experience limitation. When this energy healing process is
facilitated by an experienced practitioner, you can finally release all
non-coherent patterns, attitudes, beliefs, past experiences and energy
constrictions that have been holding you back from your goals, dreams,
successes, great relationships, happiness, self-confidence and joy.
Shamanic Healing & Energy Medicine
The Shamanic healing traditions
offer profound energy healing and transformative energy medicine
practices that help to re-connect to sprit and harmony.
At the physical level, we carry the effects of non
resonant experiences in the form of injuries, illnesses and the non
optimal functioning of our organs, physiology and the systems of the
Our energy body, that includes our aura and chakras also holds the
consequences of discordant experiences and injuries. As a result we may
'not feel right in our skin', sense that something is missing or holding
us back. To release old emotional scars or to rebalance our energetic
state, a number of services are offered from the Inca healing tradition,
including soul retrieval, Illumination, Divination & Destiny Retrieval,
Dense Energy Removal & Extraction of Negative Influences, Rites of
Passage, Traditional Ceremonies and the Final Rites of Passage and
support for the final journey.
The shamanic traditions include the tracking of physical
and psychological stories that reveal the wounds that may have
manifested as physical or emotional issues. The release of long held
habitual or emotional reactions can be supported through the decoupling
of the 'fight/flight response.
Healing Support from the Shamanism of Yoga and Eastern Systems
Susana's extensive training under masters of meditation
and yoga have qualified her to help you with Spiritual Awakening
Support, Spiritual Life Coaching, Movement and Breath Work, as well as the Clearing of Energetic
Blockages using Hatha Yoga postures and Awareness Techniques.
Sacred Fire Ceremonies
Sacred Fire Ceremonies reconnect us to our
heart, to the sacred and to timelessness, the place of healing. It is why we are
attracted to the fire - it reminds us of the spontaneity revealed within
our own heart.
At the shamanic level, the fire ceremony
presents us with an opportunity for positive shift. It is a way to
connect and to speak to the universal heart and to direct our offerings
to spirit and to our ancestors.
Divination is a powerful shamanic tool
to uncover and track the underlying issues that may be holding you back
from your life goals and success. Going outside of normal time, the
significant issues and outcomes can be revealed to guide a client in
their choices and opportunities.
Clearing Homes and Workspaces of Negative
Past Influences
As a result of past trauma or pervious occupants, a home
or workplace can hold the imprints of negative non-coherent patterns and
influences. Often, in such a cases their can be a heaviness in the
energetics of a home or workplace that can be sensed or felt. Through
shamanic means, the negative past influences can be cleared, restoring
the positive qualities of the space. At this time, individual clearing
and energy healing
is recommended, so that the process is complete. This service is
currently available in the greater Miami and Fort Lauderdale area.
Supporting Individuals, Couples,
Families and Groups
Susana is equally at ease working with individuals as
well as couples, families and even larger groups. Often the dynamics
between people is more easily revealed and worked with when everyone is
present and willing to support each other's process so that deeper
healing can take place. Both energy work and life coaching is
available to couples, families and groups.
Support for the Healing
A significant number of Susana Sori's
clients come from the medical, healing and support professions. Over
time, the members of the healing professions can be at risk of
accumulating the negative energetics of their work environment, and
periodically clearing and healing their own energetic system is very
helpful. Additionally, Susana
offers accredited continuing education for many of the healing professions.
One of her courses: Energy Awareness and Protection
TM was specifically designed to support
the healing professions. For
more information for her courses in the Miami area or in Florida, visit:
Spirit Unleashed
Life Coaching
Take advantage of the integrative skills and
experience that Susana Sori brings to help you move towards your life goals,
career directions and success. Take life coaching to the next level.
Take advantage of Susana's extensive background in management,
leadership and life coaching combined with her expertise in
directly shifting the energetics that may be holding you back.
Life Direction Coaching
What is life direction coaching?
It goes beyond traditional life coaching, to reveal what would be the
optimal directions to take in your life.
Many people do not realize that
what they think they are good at may be actually holding them back from
success!. Why? Because many people put a lot of energy into improving
where they are caught, rather than what would free them to be happier
and more successful.
Many clients have greatly benefited from
having their life direction and major opportunities for growth revealed
using the astrological and energy healing perspective that Roman Oleh Yaworsky
has developed. You can find out more about his consulting services and
what he offers at:
Powerful Light
Don't miss the opportunity to shift out of your old life-depleting patterns and move on to your great new life.
Experience this healing method as effectively practiced with the lightheartedness and shamanic understanding that Susana Sorí brings
In person Energy Medicine and Life Coaching sessions serving Miami, Miami Beach, Fort Lauderdale and South Florida.
Sessions by phone supporting clients locally and internationally.
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