Healing Passages TM
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TBA for 2019 Healing Passages TMPivotal Moments in Our Lives, Relationships and CareersA Two-Day Workshop with Roman Oleh Yaworsky 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Miami Beach 14 CEU This workshop will reveal to you not only the timing of the pivotal moments in your life, but the understanding of the lessons and opportunities that these moments bring. We all experience pivotal moments in our lives. We have common words for some of these times: the mid-life crisis, the seven year itch or the terrible twos. Other times are rites of passage: marriage, a new job or becoming a parent. There are also the passages that we tend to be less prepared for: The death of someone close to us, the loss of a job or relationship. More often than not, we experience these times as crisis, obstacles or challenges, without realizing their value or the keys in understanding and actions that would take us through these times more effectively and gracefully. • Learn about the major patterns in your life • Find out which patterns affect your career, relationships, children and friendships. • Learn the keys to understanding and taking full advantage of the important times in your life. You will have the opportunity to: • Learn invaluable insights that you can apply for the rest of your life. • Have your specific questions and concerns answered by a professional counseling astrologer. For more information and registration:
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Roman Oleh Yaworsky adds a wealth of experience as a life coach, healer and author, setting the tone for his client’s understanding, healing and transformation. In the last few years, he has created innovative and original workshops to help individuals and corporations to move towards their greater potential. Roman's latest book: Being Centered, is a practical and innovative guide to reconnecting to one’s core, will and power. It is often referred to as a 'life coach in a book'. The book identifies both the obstacles and the opportunities for growth, within an insightful and novel context. Published 2007, SpiritUnleashed TM, Miami. Roman Oleh Yaworsky has pioneered new approaches to life coaching, healing and support of clients for their positive growth success and transformation. The new approach identifies where and how a client was held back from the full expression of their joy, power and spirit and determines and provides practical means to return to center, balance and full expression. Additional information on CE hours and CEU's can be found
Let us know if you have any suggestions or requests, or if you are interested in hosting a course or workshop in your area.
In person Energy Medicine, Resonance Repatterning ® and Life Coaching sessions serving Miami, Miami Beach, Fort Lauderdale and South Florida. Sessions by phone supporting clients locally and internationally.
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