Sacred Fire Ceremony |
Sacred Fire Ceremonywith Susana SoríReconnecting to the Healing Space of the Present Moment: Being Witness to the Sacred Fire Ceremony
A Ceremony for Gratitude, Abundance and Resetting I invite you to share sacred space, clear and recharge your energy field, strengthen your balance and love in these challenging times, and offer your heartfelt gratitude for the abundance you have, or would like to have, in your life. A Fire ceremony is a complete ceremony in itself. I invite you to reconnect and align with your true heart and spirit in the sacred space of the fire ceremony. The Sacred Fire Ceremony brings us closer to our hearts, to our own inner flame. It pulls us towards timelessness, away from hold of our past stories and assumptions and instead brings us closer to the place of healing, to the power of the present moment and the place of our own becoming. The Sacred Fire Ceremony will bring you into alignment with your chosen personal intent, the group intent, and offer gratitude to the earth which supports us in all our endeavors. This beautiful ceremony also bring each of the participants into internal alignment with their feeling, heart, spirit, and energetic wisdom. These fire ceremonies harmonize the community through the sharing of gifts to the earth all of which strengthen the luminous fibers connecting us all. Throughout the process of a Sacred Fire Ceremony, we are able to dream our world anew, creating health and empowerment on an energetic level. Finally, no matter the reason for which the fire ceremony is done, it always seems to draw us into its soft, deep meditative quality, heightening our senses and allowing us to be truly present in that very moment.
All are welcome! We offer the Sacred Fire Ceremony several times a year. If you are interested in participating or hosting the ceremony at your location, or wish
to know when one is being held in your area, You can also arrange to have a Sacred Fire Ceremony at your home or place of celebration for a fee. Preparation To prepare for the sacred fire ceremony, we will first gather indoors as a group to align our intentions for releasing our individual negative resonances into the fire and, to receive instructions as to how to approach the sacred fire. Then, as a group, we go outside to silently watch the preparation of the fire while focusing on the preparation of our own state, our openness to receive and our willingness to shift in the direction of our becoming. The shaman asks for protection and blessings from all four directions first. As the shaman lights the fire and tends to it and offers to it, the participants chant to focus their energy. During the ceremony, each person has the opportunity to approach the fire to request healing, offer prayers and to rekindle their own connection to their sacred fire within. At the ceremony's end, the shaman thanks the four directions, the earth and the sky. The participants are reminded to be observant for the next two weeks of hints from the universe aiding the manifestation of your request, as it is in the noticing of them that we can take action towards them.
In person Energy Medicine, Resonance Repatterning ® and Life Coaching sessions serving Miami, Miami Beach, Fort Lauderdale and South Florida. Sessions by phone supporting clients locally and internationally.
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